Average Chicago Real Estate Sales Prices From 2011 to 2021 Within The Best Chicago Properties Market Area
Chicago Real Estate Trends
This Chicago real estate market report shows the latest Chicago real estate trends and statistics for homes, townhouses and condos displayed on these charts:
- Average sales price
- Average market time
- Number of homes on the market
- Average percent of original price
- Months supply of homes
- Trends by neighborhood
Current real estate trends are super easy to visualize. Helping home buyers and sellers decide if now is the right time to act.
These charts are helpful for both understanding where the market has been and for developing a Chicago real estate forecast.
The data is specific to Best Chicago Properties’ primary market area as seen on our Neighborhood Guide. It spans the past three years and is automatically updated in real-time from the Chicago MLS. So the latest information is always displayed for you.
Average Sales Price
Average Market Time
Number of Homes on the Market
Average Percent of Original Price
Months Supply Of Homes (The number of months it takes to sell current inventory)
Trends By Neighborhood
While the above charts examine real estate trends in Best Chicago Properties’ market area, of course trends will vary by neighborhood.
So you may wish to explore our featured neighborhood market reports:
Want the real estate trends for your neighborhood? Just ask, we are happy to get it to you.
Plus, we offer the following additional charts for any Chicago neighborhood:
Average original list price, contract-to-close days, listing-to-contract days, months supply, number of new listings, number of homes under contract, average price per square foot, closed sales, dollar volume of closed sales and average number of showings per listing.
Next, explore current listings for sale in Chicago or talk with us!
Talk With Us About Market Trends
This Chicago real estate market report displays charts showing trends and statistics for our market area.
In addition, because these days real estate is hyper-local, there are links to market trends and statistics by neighborhood. Moreover, it is possible to custom order over a dozen reports for any Chicago neighborhood.
Chicago home buyers and sellers will find this helpful in timing their Chicago home sale or purchase.
Of course, nobody has a crystal ball. However, seeing these trends is helpful in creating a Chicago real estate forecast.